IPL Photorejuvenation

What is IPL photorejuvenation?

Intense pulse light (IPL) photo rejuvenation is a non-invasive light-based treatment for unwanted skin pigmentation and vascular lesions.

What will it treat?

  • Sun damage: wide areas of pigmentation on the face, neck, chest and other areas.
  • Sunspots: pigmented lesions, also known as age spots, liver spots or solar lentigines.
  • Rosacea: general inflammation of the cheeks and face.
  • Poikiloderma: combination of redness and pigmentation.
  • Spider veins: individual vessels, which can be red, blue or purple in colour

How does it work?

  • Specialised handpieces that are part of the IPL machine filter wavelengths of light to target specific skin conditions such as blood vessels and pigmented lesions.
  • The pulse of light is directly absorbed by the pigment in the lesion. The light heats the pigment and breaks it up.
  • The pulse of light heats the small capillaries that cause spider veins, rosacea and other vascular lesions. The heat from the pulsed light shrinks the blood vessels.
  • This technique treats skin damage non-invasively and there is no disruption of the skin’s epidermal surface.

Are there different types of IPL machines?

The Rodin Clinic uses the state-of-the-art IPL system, a medical grade pulsed light system which can deliver a maximal amount of energy safely to the skin. It has a superior cooling system built into the handpiece to allow safer, more comfortable treatments

What does IPL photorejuvination involve?

Pre treatment consultation

A complimentary, non-obligatory consultation is provided by our trained Registered Nurse Practitioner. This consultation enables you to express your concerns freely and confidentially. Following an assessment and examination a tailored treatment plan will be provided and the most appropriate treatment for you will be discussed.

Pre IPL skin preparation

  • Avoid sun exposure for 1 month prior to treatment with IPL.
  • Avoid the use of topical Tretinoin 1 week prior to IPL.
  • Do not use fake tan 2 weeks prior to IPL.


The skin is cleansed to remove make up and sunscreen. 

  • A grid pattern is drawn onto the skin with a yellow highlighter.
  • The IPL handpiece then moves over the skin, pulsing a flashing light. A mild flicking sensation is felt on the skin.
  • The grid is removed with a cool damp cloth.
  • Ice or a cooling gel is applied to the skin.
  • Mineral makeup is applied prior to leaving the clinic.
  • The treatment may take 30 – 45 minutes depending on the area being treated.


  • Avoid strenuous exercise.
  • Avoid applying oil based make up during the first 24 hours. Mineral make up is fine.
  • Do not expose the area to intense heat (e.g. solarium or sauna).
  • It is very important to avoid sun exposure.
  • The use of a broad-spectrum SPF 30 and the wearing of a hat are essential.
  • Avoid the use of skin care containing active ingredients such as retinol vitamin c, glycolic acid, lactic acid, perfumes and colours for 1 week after your treatment.

IPL Photorejuvenation FAQ's

Generally, treatment of pigmentation requires 1-4 treatments, performed 1 month apart. Treatment for rosacea and vascular areas requires 1-8 treatments (depending on severity), performed 7-14 days apart.

Most client’s go straight back to their normal activities after having IPL photo rejuvenation. You may experience temporary redness and a mild sunburn like sensation that may last a few hours to a few days.  If you have a large amount of sun damage, freckling or pigmentation you may experience significant darkening and crusting of your pigmentation in the days prior to it being shed from the skin.

There are always potential complications regarding IPL. At the Rodin Clinic we perform test patches on new clients which enable us to accurately evaluate any potential problems.

Examples of potential complications include prolonged redness and swelling which can last 1-4 days. Darker or lighter patches of pigment on the skin can also occur. People with darker skin colour are at increased risk.

Get In Touch with our Surgeons

If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Timothy Cooper or Dr Robert Choa, get in touch with us or fill out the form below and one of our helpful staff will be in touch shortly

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